Orthopedic and Traumatology Surgeons or Orthopedic Doctors are doctors who focus on treating injuries and diseases of the body's musculoskeletal system, including bones, joints, tendons, muscles, and nerves. This injury can occur when exercising or having an accident, or because of certain diseases. Usually, some people will consult an orthopedic doctor if they have a fracture. In fact, an orthopedic doctor doesn't just deal with the problem. There are many medical problems that can be handled by this specialist doctor, including disorders of the bones, joints, and structures related to movement including muscles, tendons, and nerves. In fact, an athlete suffering an injury will often be referred to an orthopedic specialist. After graduating as a general practitioner, an orthopedic doctor takes about 5 years to complete his education and training, until he holds the title of orthopedic specialist doctor (Sp. OT). An orthopedic doctor can treat patients of all ages, from inf...